a ratio that compares的compare不能用主动方式表达,应该是被比较sth be compared to…的省略形式(省略了主语和系动词,是惯用法)
ceo‘s 是ceo的复数形式。compares to没有这个用法,都会被compared的。qie compare两个对象一定要可比。ratio和times也不可比
a ratio that compares的compare不能用主动方式表达
compares to is awkward, and can not use as active voice. ratio can not be compared with 42 times. not parallel
a ratio 不能主动去对比
compare to 不能用主动,只能被动compared to ,这里用主动错了。
you cannot leave 'times' hanging like this. sometimes you can use pronouns - the height of the sears tower is more than four times that of the statue of liberty - but you can't use empty space.
choice b is badly worded: 'compares to 42 times in 1980' seems to say that, on forty-two different occasions in 1980, the ceo:blue-collar ratio reached 419:1. this is not what we are trying to say. more generally, when speaking about ratios as is done here, you cannot leave 'times' hanging like this. sometimes you can use pronouns - the height of the sears tower is more than four times that of the statue of liberty - but you can't use empty space. choice c exhibits proper usage of 'times' followed by their pay. it also uses the ratio, a correct identification of exactly what is being described.
that compares to 用法不对,应该是be compared to
应该为 a ratio compared to