找到which所修饰的词到底是哪个。这里只能是technique。但是这里的which离techique太远了,只能就近修饰x-ray emission "(Noun) (modifier), (modifer), which" - in this structure, we've separated what had been the necessary descriptive phrase from the noun, so it is no longer a part of any extended noun phrase. As a result, the "which" in this case really does only apply to "emission" rather than to a "technique called emission" b/c "a technique called emission" as a simple noun phrase, is no longer part of the sentence
c、d这种修饰结构非常不好 called proton-induced x-ray。。。很有修饰air pollutant的歧义
called。。。。。应该放在a technique 后面,而且不要用逗号隔开。which 错误修饰了 emission。
which 在这里原本应该修饰technique 距离太远 就近修饰 emission 在这里不能作为主语 发出 analysis 的动作
C: called proton-induced X-ray emission 应该紧跟a technique,并且不用逗号隔开 ,在这里就近修饰了pollutants; Which 指代了emission, 不合逻辑 ,中间修饰语太多,所以指代不到 a technique;
which离techique太远了,只能就近修饰x-ray emission
which 指代不明, 应该指代a technique, 这里会造成指代 air pollutant 的歧义
which 修饰emission
此处called就近修饰了pollutants,错!应该紧跟a technique