这道题 就不应该纠结什么OG 说In that too formal 不用 我一般不记这种东西,出题的人和写解释的人不是一帮人,水平不一样。 这道题抓住 平行的比较结构入手 X instead of Y X rather than Y X与Y要结构对称,含义对等。 be attached to a rod at the elbow instead of (to/at)the wrist 不写明是那个介词,就会产生歧义。
考点:比较(Comparison) X instead of y, x rather than y表示是x而不是y。这种比较结构同样要求x/y为结构对称、含义对等; 另外,谁和谁进行比较,要求清晰明确,不能产生歧义。
正确,此句是两个介宾结构――at the elbow和at the wrist比较,第二个介词at不能省略,否则造成歧义。可能为:attached to a cartilage rod instead of (to) the wrist,wrist和rod平行,也可能为:cartilage rod at the elbow instead of (at) the wrist,wrist和elbow平行。根据句意可知,只有后者才是正确答案。
however, there's an even bigger problem: "because" is wrong. in formal writing, "because" signifies an actual cause-effect relationship. if the latter thing didn't actually cause the former thing, then you can't use the word "because". examples: my brother and i are different in that he takes life much more seriously than i do. according to this sentence, the way in which my brother and i are different is that he's a more serious guy than i am. no cause and effect here. my brother and i are different because he takes life much more seriously than i do. according to this sentence, his more serious character, and my less serious one, have caused differences in us. in other words, the pre-existing difference in our character has actually led to further differences between us. cause and effect relationship. in this sentence, you're clearly trying to say that the cartilage rod attachment IS the difference, not that it causes the difference. therefore, "because" is incorrect.
however, there's an even bigger problem: "because" is wrong. in formal writing, "because" signifies an actual cause-effect relationship. if the latter thing didn't actually cause the former thing, then you can't use the word "because". examples: my brother and i are different in that he takes life much more seriously than i do. according to this sentence, the way in which my brother and i are different is that he's a more serious guy than i am. no cause and effect here. my brother and i are different because he takes life much more seriously than i do. according to this sentence, his more serious character, and my less serious one, have caused differences in us. in other words, the pre-existing difference in our character has actually led to further differences between us. cause and effect relationship. in this sentence, you're clearly trying to say that the cartilage rod attachment IS the difference, not that it causes the difference. therefore, "because" is incorrect.
in that 的确不如because, 但是此选项必须用at the elbow rather than at the wrist, at 不能省略不然会有歧义
attached to car...at the...rather than at the.. at e & at w 平行
看题要看仔细,不要以为CDE都是in their,仔细看发现D选项是in that
看题要看仔细,不要以为CDE都是in their,仔细看发现D选项是in that
rather than 前后平行 at the elbow 和 at the wrist in that表原因,以后的题目看到in that直接排除 优选because