只有主谓没有宾语的句子不需要重复do来确认发出动作的主语,因为这时比较的只有可能是主语 就是要用that /those 来指代的时候,必须前后单复数一样才能指代 根据曼哈顿语法Chapter 5 Pronouns,The antecedent & Pronoun Must Agree in Number. GMAT insists that any “New Copy” that or those agree in number with the previous version. Wrong: Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. Right: Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors.
这是个as比较结构,as前后需要尽可能平行。at the same time是表示时间的状语,as后也需要一个能表示时间的状语。those应该指代复数名词,无所指。
1. those 不能指代,要么是that,要么写全the civilizations in,不用代词 2. 两个用分词修饰的名词进行的比较,没有宾语,没有谓语,根本不可能发生比较对象不清晰的情况,所以直接跟名词. "an ancient civilization flourishing at the same time as those civilizations in the nile delta and the river valleys of the tigris and euphrates."
The antecedent & Pronoun Must Agree in Number. GMAT insists that any “New Copy” that or those agree in number with the previous version. Wrong: Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. Right: Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors.
The antecedent & Pronoun Must Agree in Number. GMAT insists that any “New Copy” that or those agree in number with the previous version. Wrong: Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. Right: Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors.
The antecedent & Pronoun Must Agree in Number. GMAT insists that any “New Copy” that or those agree in number with the previous version. Wrong: Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. Right: Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors.
i am not sure about this. maybe "flourishing" is not clear? Because it modifies the site. "those were" are understandable, i think.