temperate areas 是温带地区 固定搭配 这个now应该修饰are,或者说"are temperate". 不能修饰前面那个动词existed,时间上不符合 既然说,now修饰are,那么就必须放到that的后面某处。这也因为,that是必须紧跟着指代对象areas的。 Ron曾经在讲课的时候举了这么个例子: My friend told me, as we were graduating from college, that she was in love with that man. My friend told me that, as we were graduating from college, she was in love with that man.
Now is a adv. so it should be put after are in areas that are now temperate
now应该放在are 的后面修饰are ,放在areas 后面不恰当 影响that 修饰area
1、修饰语:now是副词 要放在are后面 ➡️ in areas that are now temperate
now的位置很奇怪 now that是既然的意思
temperate area 固定搭配, now是副词,放在are后面
temperate area 固定搭配, now是副词,放在are后面
that are now temperate. 否则 now that 容易有歧义~~
temperate areas 比原句areas now that are temperate
temperate area指的是温带地区不能拆开为 areas that are temperate 所以 不选E 我就是感到读起来怪怪的
"When and in which" both are used to modify a time period but here the period is already defined by the word "age". "age in which" is correct and not "age when", in which>when下这句中,因为后面有age,that are temperate是不好的表达。