RON对代词的解释: remember that PRONOUN AMBIGUITY IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE RULE. in general, eliminating on pronoun ambiguity is not a reliable thing to do, unless the ambiguous pronoun is specifically contrasted against a SPECIFIC NOUN in other choices. for instance, if you saw a split between "it" and "that number", then you could safely choose the latter. however, you should not generally eliminate choices just because they have ambiguous pronouns. we have seen way too many correct answers with ambiguous pronouns to advise this sort of elimination anymore.
1) it refers to "the number of chirps per minute " 2 ) can 表示有能力;possibly表示有可能发生。两者不可替换
, and it can in fact 如果and前有逗号,那么应该有it,因为是并列关系所以指代the number;如果and前没有逗号,这个it也可以没有。
"It can in fact serve as an approximate thermometer" is also an independent clause - it can stand alone as a sentence. Also, "it" refers to the number of chirps per minute, //mahattan gmat which is appropriately singular. I like D better here. E introduces the word "possibly" which has a different meaning than "it can serve." The "it can" means it is, really, while "possibly" means it might
考点: 1. 主谓一致 the number of chirps 所以谓语一定是第三人称单数 杀AC 2. 用to比for 更加能表达目的性 所以杀B 3.指代: 1.主句或从句主语发出的动作 2.表示一个结果 显然不是结果,但是句子的主语只有一个就是the number of chirps, chirps 的数量,那么绝逼不对 杀E 错误原因:第三点,要牢记Ving是指代什么的!!!!!!!! 虽然Ving 比D的表达更加的简洁, 但是它是错的。简洁是要建立在语义正确的基础之上。
it refers to the number of chirps