choice e literally says that the usage of spices is 'in small quantities', which is not the proper message. this could mean that you don't use spices very often, but, when you do, you dump 14 kilos of allspice and 12 kilos of paprika in your pan. the sentence needs to convey the message that the spices are the things of which quantities are small. choice d conveys this message well.
表达方式不好,usage is in small quantities. they指代不清楚
use -> usage : worse
the usage of spices // they?
the usage of .. is表达笨拙,直接用动词表示更好,动词由于名词。thay指代不清近前面的是quantities,但是逻辑主语应该是 spices,指代不清
the usage of spices is in small quantities句型笨拙 they指代不清
the usage ... is in small quantities' that's wrong, because it's not the usage that's in small quantities; it's the spices themselves.
1. they的指代不清楚,可以指代species,也可以是quantities 2. the usage is in small quantities 表达方式啰嗦
choice e literally says that the usage of spices is 'in small quantities', which is not the proper message. this could mean that you don't use spices very often, but, when you do, you dump 14 kilos of allspice and 12 kilos of paprika in your pan.