produce energy是mining heat的目的而不是平行 前面有个the first time,如果produce energy 和mining heat并列,那这个the first time 也修饰produce energy了,这样逻辑根本不同的 大家不可以只看结构语法是不是工整 还要看逻辑意思是否合理
妈蛋!!! 注意文意 第一次从地心开采能量来加热发电,而不是第一次发电 我靠!!!!怎么可能是第一次嘛
选错原因:看到and想到了平行 看前面的结构 succeed in doing and doing,将produce看成了和mine的平行 但其实如何是平行的话应该是 in producing
to be 被动和 to主动不平行
主要句子結構 S. + have succeeded in the first time in mining(Ving) heat from the Earth's interior and producing energy on a commercial scale... ・先把這句子四大需要釐清邏輯關係的元素拆解成以下abcd四點: a. mining heat from the earth's interior/ b. producing energy on a commercial scale/ c. efficient generation of electricity/ d. heat factories and homes ・進一步分析結構和語意 B選項: a和b平行 (in mining... and producing) --> 結構上沒有問題;語意上科學家第一次成功做到a&b c的存在變成b是為了eletricity而被有效率的產生,已不合邏輯,加上後面d and to heat看起來是平行接在for eletricity後方(for eletricity to heat)為了eletricity而heat factories and homes,再次不合邏輯。
1. and producing 2. for electricity ... and to heat, 不平行
mining 和producing在语意上不能平行,而且produce energy不能被the first time 修饰,produce应该是mine的目的。即使这两个可以平行,A和B选项的后半部分都不能平行
两个并列: (1)把Mining heat 与producing energy并列,正确 (2)把electricity to be generated 与 to heat factories and homes并列,错误
both sentences having the first meaning (mining ... AND producing), while that meaning makes sense, are incorrect because of faulty parallelism. choice (a) puts for efficient generation in parallel with heating, and choice (b) puts for electricity to be generated in parallel with to heat. in fact, based on grammatical parallelism alone, choice (d) is the winner 从逻辑意思判断,produce enough energy是mining heat from interior的目的
this is what happens here: both sentences having the first meaning (mining ... AND producing), while that meaning makes sense, are incorrect because of faulty parallelism. choice (a) puts for efficient generation in parallel with heating, and choice (b) puts for electricity to be generated in parallel with to heat. in fact, based on grammatical parallelism alone, choice (d) is the winner; all the other choices exhibit blatant nonparallelism. in cases like this, it's a waste of time even to consider subtleties of meaning; there's no point in agonizing over the meaning of a sentence with bad grammar.
這題的語義上D的to 是in order to 表目的的意思 也就是說 mining heat from the Earth's interior 是為了要 produce energy 把producing跟mining平衡的話就沒有這層意思 且B選項後半段 for electricity... and to heat...也不平衡
choice (a) puts for efficient generation in parallel with heating, and choice (b) puts for electricity to be generated in parallel with to heat.