逻辑 Critical Reasoning-6984

Though sucking zinc lozenges has been promoted as a treatment for the common cold, research has revealed no consistent effect. Recently, however, a zinc gel applied nasally has been shown to greatly reduce the duration of colds. Since the gel contains zinc in the same form and concentration as the lozenges, the greater effectiveness of the gel must be due to the fact that cold viruses tend to concentrate in the nose, not the mouth.

In order to evaluate the argument, it would be most helpful to determine which of the following?

【选项】Whether either the zinc gel or the lozenges contain ingredients that have an impact on the activity of the zinc


  • 正确
  • 错误



Benwant700 2014-09-08 00:00:56

原文说本来是用的口服药发现没有持续效果,现在应用了一种新的鼻吸药(zinc gel)发现效果更长,由于药的成分是一样的,所以得出结论:鼻息药更有效是因为病毒集中在鼻子的周围而不是嘴的周围。而D选项,需要评价2种药是否会对其中的zinc的活动产生的影响,是因为这里需要排除它因才能得出原文结论,试想如果鼻息药更有效是因为它能使zinc更活跃而口服药不行,则不能得到原结论;反之,如果二者都能有作用,或都没作用,则无需考虑药本身对zinc的作用,这个因素就可以排除了。这里的关键就是在2种药的成分,作用都无区别的条件下,才能得出是是病毒的因素造成了药效的不同。


Ines要上700 2016-07-15 18:30:27

I'm not loving any of the answer choices and am confident that this question as written would not show up on an Official GMAT. However, if I were forced to answer, I would choose D. The conclusion of the arg is that the greater effectiveness of the gel must be due to the fact that cold viruses tend to concentrate in the nose, not the mouth. To evaluate this conclusion, we must assess additional information over whether this is truly why the gel is more effective. Choices A and C are outside the scope of the argument, and answer choice E is an incorrect "attractive distractor," as the argument discusses the duration of colds but never mentions the severity of cold symptoms. Finally, choice B can be eliminated as it does not shed any insight on the relationship between the zinc lozenges and the zinc gel. Choice D, the "best" answer (best of the bad!), evaluates whether some inherent difference between the lozenges and the gel could influence how effective each one is. This would provide addition insight into whether a factor other than the location of where each product is applied is responsible for the difference in effectiveness between the two products.


Ines要上700 2016-07-15 18:30:30

I'm not loving any of the answer choices and am confident that this question as written would not show up on an Official GMAT. However, if I were forced to answer, I would choose D. The conclusion of the arg is that the greater effectiveness of the gel must be due to the fact that cold viruses tend to concentrate in the nose, not the mouth. To evaluate this conclusion, we must assess additional information over whether this is truly why the gel is more effective. Choices A and C are outside the scope of the argument, and answer choice E is an incorrect "attractive distractor," as the argument discusses the duration of colds but never mentions the severity of cold symptoms. Finally, choice B can be eliminated as it does not shed any insight on the relationship between the zinc lozenges and the zinc gel. Choice D, the "best" answer (best of the bad!), evaluates whether some inherent difference between the lozenges and the gel could influence how effective each one is. This would provide addition insight into whether a factor other than the location of where each product is applied is responsible for the difference in effectiveness between the two products.


squirrelfan 2016-11-13 12:00:03

ZL-->口服-->藥效短 ZG-->鼻用-->藥效長 ZL和ZG都有ZINC成分 結論:ZG有效,因為病毒都從鼻子 都有ZINC並不代表效果相同,所以C說: zinc在ZL,ZG是否有不同反應,成立


Hellosaaama 2016-10-31 17:55:43

评价对象:因为鼻子中的细菌更多,所以gel更有效。 "gel或者是lozenge含有某种成分会影响锌的活性"=>他因


blingvivienne 2016-08-06 20:38:53

【EV】错因:没有理解题目的情景。 EV。两种含有Z的药物,一种L一种G,含有的Z的形式和浓度一样,L口服而G是用于鼻子,deconstruct题目信息对L和G进行对比,就可以发现除了服用方式,可能L和G还有其他不同,这会成为评估的关键。目标:找到提及L和G的不同点,导致得出是不是服用方式导致药效不同的结论的。ACD明显排掉。B易错选,其实B引入了两个变量,不含Z但是口服,其实不能判断是不是服用方式发挥作用,所以排掉。


christinasysu 2016-07-27 15:04:29

若成立的话 就是他因削弱 选


jeffvan 2016-06-01 20:59:54



yiran32069 2015-09-17 21:37:32

保证成分一样,才能讨论后面的疗效的,类比 排除差异


jino_lx6 2015-08-18 19:53:48

找是否可能不是因为cold virus位置


amy282756706 2015-08-08 16:34:13





