1. like the planets的位置,可以导致confusion,可以理解成in motion like the planets,或者the starts are like planets 2. some of which 指代不明,而且awkward 3. but 后面的句子没有主谓语 4. are in motion 居然重复了两次
which 指代planet 不是star所以错
ike the planets的位置,可以导致confusion,可以理解成in motion like the planets,或者the starts are like planets 2.
but 封闭式平行结构,but后缺谓语动词
but 封闭式平行结构,but后缺谓语动词
like the planets的位置,可以导致confusion,可以理解成in motion like the planets,或者the starts are like planets 2. some of which 指代不明,而且awkward 3. but 后面的句子没有主谓语 4. are in motion 居然重复了两次
which 指代错了, 本来逻辑上应该指代stars,这里却就近指代了planets. which是就近指代
E Placement of like the planets is awkward; some of which is awkward and ambiguous; are in motion is said twice; subject and verb of the second clause are omitted.
like 的位置导致指代不清
[ME]some of which??[正]1. like the planets的位置,可以导致confusion,可以理解成in motion like the planets,或者the starts are like planets 2. some of which 指代不明,而且awkward 3. but 后面的句子没有主谓语 4. are in motion 居然重复了两次