No. In constructions like this one, it's understood that "a bicycle" refers to a bicycle for each owner. That's not unique to this sentence: Most students at this university ride a bicycle to class. It's December, so 9 out of 10 New Yorkers will be wearing a black overcoat. etc. The context of these sentences is pretty obvious: one item per person.
【做错】甭管几个人拥有几辆车。这里three out of four 的是owners 说明比较的数量是人数不是车数。所以主语最好是owners 人。不要选CE。 BD单复数three that owns 滚蛋。
首先主谓一致 排除bd 不用被动 排除 ce 看清主谓一致啊~
主谓一致;three out of every four,跟复数谓语。
对这个句型不熟悉吧。一念之差选了C虽然觉得有点怪。 记住这种句式吧! jujinst2015-08-23 17:48:46 No. In constructions like this one, it's understood that "a bicycle" refers to a bicycle for each owner. That's not unique to this sentence: Most students at this university ride a bicycle to class. It's December, so 9 out of 10 New Yorkers will be wearing a black overcoat. etc. The context of these sentences is pretty obvious: one item per person.
3 out of every 4 owners + V 复数 own 四分之三的人拥有还拥有一辆自行车,own a bicycle
单复数:own, automobile是复数的话,表示有多辆车的人
The shift to plural Bicycles detracts from clarity by suggesting that multiple bicycles are owned by each person in question.own a bicycle表明每人拥有一辆,如果变成复数就改变了原句意思。