leading gas and electric company错误, 因为一个公司不可能组成merger,应该是gas company and electric company分开写;with短语前面没有逗号时做状语表达的是"与开放公用事业市场的州一同来create a network",逻辑错误,注意在此with短语不会做定语,因为前面的the utilities in question不可能被with states修饰;opening做states的限定性修饰,表示只有几个州open utility markets,逻辑错误;marketing network表达unidiomatic。
gas and electric company是一个公司,不存在merger, with表示伴随状语是,前面一定要加逗号。
a gas and electric comp, is one comp which cannot complete the merger;besides, with +ving without comma 修饰前面的question.
日了狗了 with前不加逗号,还是表示 一起的意思 和开放市场的states 一起创造network 意思不对了
* "with states opening..." is incorrect. when you have an -ING WITHOUT COMMA modifier, like this one, it's a RESTRICTIVE ("essential") modifier. this means that we're only talking about those states that are "opening their utility markets to competition", the implication being that only some states are doing so. the intended meaning is better conveyed by "as states open..."
the merger of后面应为两家公司,应补出company在gas后;with错误不是定语修饰而是与states的含义
leading gas and electric company是一个公司同时有gas和electric。 with states opening means that we're only talking about those states that are "opening their utility markets to competition", the implication being that only some states are doing so.
gas and electric company會讓人誤以為只有一家公司,同時有gas&electric ,但這裡講的是merger合併,只有一家公司不能合併
leading gas and electric company错误, 因为一个公司不可能组成merger,应该是gas company and electric company分开写;with短语前面没有逗号时做状语表达的是"与开放公用事业市场的州一同来create a network",逻辑错误,注意在此with短语不会做定语,因为前面的the utilities in question不可能被with states修饰;opening做states的限定性修饰,表示只有几个州open utility markes,逻辑错误;marketing network表达unidiomatic。
考点 指代一致(Agreement); 逻辑表达(Logical Predication) Unlike sb./sth成分和主语之间可以相隔一个插入语。 选项分析 A. leading gas and electric company错误, 因为一个公司不可能组成merger,应该是gas company and electric company分开写;with短语前面没有逗号时做状语表达的是"与开放公用事业市场的州一同来create a network",逻辑错误,注意在此with短语不会做定语,因为前面的the utilities in question不可能被with states修饰;opening做states的限定性修饰,表示只有几个州open utility markes,逻辑错误;marketing network表达unidiomatic。
主语merger排除are只剩下AE leading gas and electric company错误, 因为一个公司不可能组成merger,应该是gas company and electric company分开写;with短语前面没有逗号时做状语表达的是"与开放公用事业市场的州一同来create a network",逻辑错误,注意在此with短语不会做定语,因为前面的the utilities in question不可能被with states修饰;opening做states的限定性修饰,表示只有几个州open utility markets,逻辑错误;marketing network表达unidiomatic。