1. 除了形式主语it,尽量少用代词(因为容易出现指代不明),此处的it具体指代什么不明; 2.此题可理解为对比,同花在a, b and c上面的1刀比的是省下来的7刀,比较对象上要一致; 3. D.Ethat从句里没有主语,C有run-on结构的错误; 4. B选项的时态更形象(时态最次要考虑) OG:Th e pronoun it (it saves seven dollars) has no referent. Making seven dollars the subject of the clause eliminates this problem, and it also fulfills a reader’s expectation that after the phrase beginning for every dollar another specific amount will be given to balance it. This change in structure also allows the awkward and wordy clause that would not be spent on having to extinguish to be
it指代不明 having to extinguish... wordy
save 跟 not spent同时使用怪怪的,IT指代也不名。隔太远
1. it指代不明,前面的东西太多了,it到底指代哪个; 2.on having to 啰嗦。
having on...wordy
new data show that ,说明data在这里是复数。 that 是show的宾语从句,而it 指代不清,前边没有可指代的,而若是理解成形式主语,又并没有真正的主语,因为后边的that是做dollars的定语从句。 extinguish 熄灭,压制,偿清
考点:指代,平行,意义 我的分析:for...,... 这里是一个意义上的平行,前面是every dollar后面则是一个it开头的句子,it不知知道哪一个,无法平行并列,having to extinguish这里是将来的意思,dollar后面的spent是过去时态,所以应该为B中的过去将来时。
1.逻辑不通,save的钱将不会被花2.it 指代不明 3.平行结构for every dollar,seven dollar is saved
1.除了形式主语it,少用代词,因为容易指代不明确,这里的it具体指代什么不明确 2.比较对象是1刀和7刀 3.having to extinguish比较啰嗦
1.除了形式主语it,少用代词,因为容易指代不明确,这里的it具体指代什么不明确 2.比较对象是1刀和7刀 3.having to extinguish比较啰嗦
it指代不明; saves seven dollars that would not be spent说反了