Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
【选项】There are no plants native to western Africa that, if domesticated, could serve as staple food crops.
B说没有其他的被培养为食用庄稼的西非土生土长的植物可以作为主食庄稼,如果是这样的话,只能说是All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere这句话的重复,而且要引入的话,也不能说明最早引入的一定是大米和甘薯,还可以是其他的啊
取非并不能削弱,因为如果即使有这种植物,当地人并不一定会domesticate。而且原文的结论是“discovering when rice and yams were introduced into ……”,A选项完美提到了这点,而B选项根本没提到。
All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere, 注意grown,存不存在和有没有种植是两回事
取非:有当地作物可以作为staple food crops 对于结论不能构成影响 就算有但是非洲人没有种植 还是欧洲人引进之后农业社会才开始
重复;有 和 种植 不同
没有其他的被培养为食用庄稼的西非土生土长的植物可以作为主食庄稼,如果是这样的话,只能说是All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere这句话的重复
在西非洲没有植物作为dtaple food,但不能排除当地人会种植这种植物的可能性,杀