If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by them?
【选项】Aspirin can prolong a patient’s illness by eliminating moderate fever helpful in fighting some diseases.
fever能刺激白细胞活跃并抑制the growth of many strains of disease-causing bacteria(菌株的生长),所以moderate fever helpful in fighting some diseases,而aspirin消除了fever,所以延长了生病时间
illness是被fever 促进的white cell kill而不是被aspirin kill。所以aspirin kill fever --》 white cell decrease --> 能kill illness的white cell 少了,illness就延长了。(所谓的治标不治本 -- aspirin只能缓解病灶 fever,不能根治illness)
moderate fever可以刺激。。。然后阻止一些菌种的生长。。。aspirin 强制阻止moderate fever的话,则会延长病痛
此题题目要求是:从上述里可以得出什么结论!!! conclusion most strongly supported by them( the stataments above) 而不是找support这些statements的论据!! 看清题目!!!
很好的将原文的逻辑链补充上了。原文分为两部分说的,第一是阿司匹林消灭moderate fever;第二说moderate fever对白细胞和细菌的影响。
fever能刺激白细胞活跃并抑制the growth of many strains of disease-causing bacteria(菌株的生长),所以moderate fever helpful in fighting some diseases,而aspirin消除了fever,所以延长了生病时间
B正确,注意,B中也正确表达了这个间接的过程,就是阿司匹林eliminate fever,从而使fever不能刺激白细胞,从而prolong illness。
aspirin --> x fever-->x whit cell