GMAT 考满分题库

Gone are the sharp edges and jutting planes of styles from former eras; instead, designers of everything from cars to computer monitors have adopted a cornerless style of smooth surfaces and curves that is more ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape for its own sake.
  • Amore ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape 分析该选项
  • Bmore ergonomic, conformed to the body's shape and not to flaunting shape 分析该选项
  • Cergonomic, more conformed to the shape of the body and not to shape flaunted 分析该选项
  • Dergonomic, conforming more to the body's shape rather than shape flaunted 分析该选项
  • Eergonomic, conforming more to the shape of the body than flaunting shape 分析该选项
正确答案: A

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